Teachers at every school in Mount Vernon came together today for a “walk-in” rally before the start of the school day.

At Hamilton Elementary School in Mount Vernon, teachers received support from passing drivers as they gathered outside.

This rally was part of a citywide effort by teachers to negotiate a new contract. Thalia Langley, vice presidentof the Mount Vernon Federation of Teachers K-8, emphasized the importance of recognition for their contributions to students on a daily basis.

Union officials revealed that negotiations have been ongoing for about two years, with educators expressing frustration over the slow progress. It has been three years since Mount Vernon teachers received a raise.

Teachers aimed for a show of solidarity as talks continue and called for acting Superintendent Dr. K. Veronica Smith to become more involved in negotiations.

“We hope the superintendent and the board will know that we mean business, and we hope they mean business as well,” Langley stated.

With negotiations set to resume on Monday, union officials hope today’s message will resonate during the next session.
